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It’s a privilege to work with an architect on their own home, so naturally we were thrilled when Noel & Kylie approached us to build their new family retreat on the outskirts of Hamilton.

From the first glance at the plans it was clear that this build was unique. Construction methods had to be reinvented to bring cutting edge design elements to life.

When you incorporate clever design, quality materials and accurate workmanship, the finished product speaks for itself.

Seeing Noel, Kylie and their family use this visually striking house in the way it was intended is the reason we put our tool belts on in the morning!

Johnstone Building
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Jessop House
Jessop House
Jessop House
Jessop House
Jessop House
Jessop House
Jessop House
Jessop House
Jessop House

About the

At Johnstone Building, construction is our passion. That resonates in our finished product.

Each project we undertake is unique and we approach it with the diligence and care that it deserves. We achieve this by working alongside industry professionals who are at the forefront of architectural design, giving us a platform to display the craftsmanship that we enjoy delivering. We take care of the entire build process, from the first spade in the ground to handing the keys to the owner.

We believe a house isn’t just a place to live, but that it’s an extension of the clients’ personality. With that in mind, we strive to create a sound relationship with our clients, which we feel is imperative when bringing their vision to life.

Build with the peace of mind that your home is in the care of Licensed Builders who are proudly affiliated with Registered Master Builders.